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Lost Pet Services, Inc.

Report Animal Cruelty, Abuse or Neglect
If you believe or witness an animal that is being abused or neglected, please take action! You may be the animals’ only hope.
In Florida, it is a crime to abuse or cruelly kill an animal, or to confine an animal without sufficient food, water or exercise.
(Chapter 828)Florida’s cruelty to animals statutes apply to all animals, not only dogs and cats. Arrests for animal cruelty have occurred in Florida in cases involving fish, snakes, Muscovy ducks, pigeons, wild pigs and many other animals. Call 911 if you witness an animal in a life-threatening situation.
Large Animal Complaints Div. (Agricultural Deputy)
Phone: 941747-3011 Ext. 115

Sarasota County Sheriff's Animal Services
Phone: 941-861-9500
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