Are you ready to #BeTheOne to support us during this special opportunity?
The Community Foundation of Sarasota County's 2018 Giving Challenge is May 1 - 2 from noon to noon.
Donations up to $100 per person will be matched by The Patterson Foundation. This means all donations between $25 and $100 will be doubled making your donations go twice as far.
Over 700 pets have been reunited so far this year by Lost Pet Services. Help us meet our goal of microchipping every pet we reunite that is not chipped. Read more about our future plans here on our Giving Partner profile.
Why is microchipping every reunited pet important? It means no more pets going to the shelters. The shelters would have more space for those pets that truly needed it saving pet's lives and county resources; not to mention saving owner's money by not having to pay intake fees.
Last year Lost Pet Services reunited over 1,800 lost pets through their Facebook group, Lost Found Pets 941 but there are still many more who haven't made it home. Your donation will help us microchip, provide medical assistance, help with intake fees, ID tags and much more to keep our loved companion animals safe.
The success of Lost Pet Services in reuniting lost pets and, with over 18,000 members in our organization, proves that the community views finding lost pets and reuniting them with their owners an important goal and worth the effort.
We believe each one of us has the potential to impact the life of a pet and the family that pet belongs to. Invite your friends, family and co-workers, too.
Donations of $25 or more are accepted on www.givingpartnerchallenge.org and are 100% tax-deductible. All donations between $25 and $100 will be matched by The Patterson Foundation. We will provide a unique link for Lost Pet Services on May 1st.
Together We Make HOME SAFE Happen. You can #BeTheOne to help keep pets safe. The Giving Challenge is presented by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County with giving strengthened by The Patterson Foundation, as well as support from Manatee Community Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, William G. and Marie Selby Foundation, and the Herald-Tribune Media Group.